Facsimile reproduction of a polychrome wood sculpture
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This article analyzes the process followed in the elaboration of a mold, its subsequent casting as well as the criteria adopted in the methodology followed. The purpose of this work is to preserve the original of the environment in which it was located, a niche on the facade of the Santa Ursula Convent (Toledo). Being exposed to the outside and because it is a polychrome wood. the sculpture has been suffering the consequent deterioration caused by the direct action of atmospheric agents. The piece was restored in the workshops of the School during the 97-98 academic year. As a preventive conservation measure and given that its conservation in the original location cannot be guaranteed, it has been decided to replace the carving with a copy that reproduces in detail the visual information of the original, which has been transferred to a more stable medium for its conservation, in this case the interior of the Convent.

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