Clone the historical heritage. Creation of a replica. Application of new technologies in conservation
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On the occasion of the creation of an archaeological and museum complex in Egypt,
composed in part of the reproduction of the most famous and important tombs
of pharaohs like Tutankamon, Horemheb, or Ramses VIII, is performed, at the request of the
High Council of Antiquities of Egypt, the facsimile replica of a part
from the magnificent tomb of Pharaoh Seti I.
Spearhead worldwide, this project demonstrates the absolute symbiosis between
technology and heritage conservation. As narrated in this article, the inno
vador process and the highest applied technology have achieved, without even
play the original, that they are reproduced at a very high resolution (the highest achieved
gives so far) all the details and characteristics of surfaces as complex as
the bas-relief and polychrome decorated walls of the Egyptian New Kingdom.
The first consequence of this action is the breaking of the taboo on repro
ductions, created from the possible damages that the molds made "in situ
produced in the original, giving the paradox that a reproduction made for
helping the preservation of a model eventually damage it.
The complexity of the project forced the development of new software to process
the infinity of data that make up the computer model, as well as the creation
of a new material that we call "flexible plaster", and that due to the characteristics
formal ethics of the original was imperative to develop.

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