Training program in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property in Oran (Algeria)
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Conservation and Restoration Teachings (Oran, Algeria)


The recovery of the cultural heritage of the peoples, used as generates
of social and economic development in developing countries, is the main
main objective for which the realization of this project was proposed.
The NGO Restauradores Sin Fronteras (A-RSF) together with the Museo Na
tional Zabana and the Regional School of BBAA of Oran create the school of special
Cialists in conservation-restoration of cultural assets, as a tool to contribute to the development of the city of Oran (Algeria) and benefit a vulnerable sector of its population, such as young people.
With the training of young Algerians (half of them women), we will increase human and institutional capacities and generate a new professional activity in the country that will contribute to the creation of jobs and the improvement of their living conditions. On the other hand, with this project we contribute to the preservation of cultural identity and diversity, with the rescue and conservation of different cultural assets.

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