The early use in the Spanish language of the word "document" with the meaning of "test instrument" and "test" in
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Brief review of the word


A brief review of the history of the word "document" in Spanish is made.
ñol, especially influencing the appearance of the use of its different
tions and words derived from it. «Documento» has had a
traditional use as teaching or notice. Its meaning as an instrument of
test has been customarily dated to the eighteenth century and the test in ge
neral, in the XIX. However an extensive scan of all the dictionaries here
and a large number of non-academics since the fifteenth century, thus
as from literary sources of the fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth centuries allows to advance the use
of the word with these meanings to the last two centuries cited. The sig
nification of «document» for disciplines such as Diplomatics, Archivisti
ca and the Documentation is still the subject of debate. Finally, the appearance
of the digital document has come to question the type of support to which it is associated
cia the document.

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