The Collection Protection Plan for Emergencies in State-Owned Museums
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Emergency protection plans


There is a problem that affects all depository institutions of
heritage collections: their protection in emergency situations. The
Risks affecting collections are very diverse and their consequences
can be equally diverse, and may even go as far as the loss of
finitive. After some examples and seeing how this is being addressed
problem in other countries or even, although occasionally, in some
Spanish museums, where they have been working on this matter for
and in time, we will focus on the situation of the Museums of This Ownership.
tal (Ministry of Culture). Although today none of these museums have
A Collection Protection Plan for Emergencies is expected that little by little
little are these plans being drafted and put into operation. For this, a commission was created whose purpose is to design a valid guide document for all these museums so that in the future these institutions, just as they have a Self-Protection Plan (for people and buildings), have a plan specific to collections.

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