Preventive conservation of wooden boats extracted from underwater marine environments. State of the question
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Intervention and preventive conservation


Archaeological wood has been studied from different points of view.
However, its preventive conservation is still a novel topic. An ahem
A key example in the conservation and preservation of wooden wrecks is the Vasa.
After saline efflorescence appeared on the ship's surface in 2000,
the Vasa Museum promoted an investigation into the causes and consequences
the decay of wood. The study of increased acidity
in ships of marine origin that have been extracted and are exposed
in museum environments and the possible processes of de-addiction is ac
usually a priority in research. Meanwhile, the control of fac
risk factors such as relative humidity and temperature are key to re
reduce the deterioration of this type of collection. The team of conservatives and
Scientists from the Vasa Museum have pioneered the implementation of a
preventive conservation program that has great advantages for the
future preservation of wooden boats.

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