Preliminary study of the Nasrid tower of Agicampe (Loja, Granada) prepared for its consolidation project
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Analysis of pathologies for the consolidation of the Torre de Agicampe


The Torre de Agicampe is located at the easternmost end of the municipality of Loja (Granada). It could have been built during the reign of Muhammad V (second half of the 14th century), being located less than 250 m from the important Agicampe spring (628 m.a.s.l.), a fact that led to the implantation in this place of the Šikanb (Agicampe) farmhouse, which was already populated in the 8th century.
The tower has two floors and was built with stonework, defining more or less horizontal courses, arranged by granulometric differentiation. It has also preserved part of the vaults of the upper and lower room, made with brick.
On the occasion of the elaboration of the project to consolidate this tower, the architectural survey of the visible structures has been carried out and the analysis of the pathologies it presents has been carried out. Based on these previous studies, a series of solutions are proposed that allow stabilizing these pathologies, in order to thus undertake their consolidation and ensure their conservation.

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