Proposal for a thesaurus structure for the conservation and restoration of cultural assets
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linguistic system


The present work provides a structured base for the realization of academic exploitation thesauri, oriented in the discipline of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Assets. It is an approach to this linguistic system that serves to express and organize the knowledge of an area in a specific field that still does not have any, being able to be classified as a contribution within Linguistics to the aforementioned discipline.
For the construction of a thesaurus, terms and semantic relationships are used based on the specific language used in various documentary supports by different specialists, created by and for each activity always in scientific environments.
The purpose of this study is:
- Promote and conceptually organize the terms to use, creating a type
as model.
- Assist the specialist in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Assets
to understand and learn the concepts, as well as to use them appropriately
the language of each specialty of the discipline or area of ​​knowledge that

cover the thesaurus.
Therefore, this proposal is a formal dynamic model that represents, through relational structures, the content of these document management models.
The thesaurus is generated as part of the process of creating teaching or research materials, reproducing the way in which the authors organize and describe these materials through an incremental and inductive construction method.
Both the model and the method provide the foundation for the creation of general structural applications that serve so that professors, researchers and students can automatically create, visualize, manipulate and update their academic exploitation thesauri.
In the same way, with this innovative proposal in the conceptual and methodological terms, it is intended to give a boost in the research and development of the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Assets.

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