Mudejar roof truss in the parish church of Villacé: study and intervention proposal *
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Deck armor
white woodwork


A few years ago the church of Our Lady of the Assumption in Villacé obtained the highest degree of protection due to the concern of the Junta de Castilla y León for its state of conservation, with the aim of preserving both the temple and the rest of the assets it houses. The following work is proposed as an in-depth study of the state of conservation of the Mudejar roof truss that is still kept inside said church, as well as the needs and treatments it requires for its conservation, based on basic criteria established for increase its value, making it known as part of the great set of specimens of this same type that are preserved in the province of León. With the choice of this work for Graduate with a Higher Degree in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Assets, specialty Painting, by the ESCRBC.
Addressing the Final Degree Project presents the opportunity to put into practice and relate the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the different subjects during the studies of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Assets. When it comes to displaying and organizing all the collected documentation, a bibliographic search and consultation of the existing primary documentation, visits to the property in question, drawing up plans and graphic representations of the reinforcement is required in advance, as well as providing technical solutions. Despite the challenge of facing a work of such magnitude, the knowledge acquired and the overcoming of the difficulties posed have increased personal interest about the carpentry of the white.

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