Virtual archeology marathon no Castro from Monte Mozinho (Penafiel, Portugal)
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This article is a synthesis of the results of the fifth edition of the Marathon of
Virtual Archeology, centered on Castro de Monte Mozinho (Penafiel). Inserted in a project
broader range of heritage valuation which the Virtual Archeology Symposium is part of,
this concept, developed in Montemor-o-Novo, under the Morbase platform,
experienced a gradual evolution towards greater complexity and diversification of
methods adopted. Through a diachronic reading, the path trodden is outlined
of this unique concept based on teamwork and the fusion of knowledge and
skills of different researchers, with a view to designing infographic content
and audiovisuals for the understanding and promotion of heritage assets. the second part of
article, of a descriptive nature, addresses the contents produced for the documentation of this
fortified town in the second half of the 1st century/ 2nd century AD Profiles the limitations
found, which gave rise to the opportunities for the design of scenarios and environments.
representative of the domestic and social daily life of this castro. It is not intended to be a
exhaustive reflection on five days of intense and intensive work aimed at production
of a collective virtual reconstitution, this document intends to highlight the pertinence of the
corporate work, often alien to the development of research projects
scientific. The Castro de Monte Mozinho met through the Marathon, on the centenary of
its scientific value, a differentiated breath in terms of diffusion and understanding.

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