The stucco-marble constitute an important type of mural decorative technique, reaching great splendor from the 17th-18th centuries. This type of work offers the possibility of imitating rich marble surfaces with abundant and cheap materials. There are numerous examples of marble-stuccoes in Spain, one of the most beautiful former speakers can be seen in the Palacio del Congreso de los Diputa dos de Madrid, where the most representative rooms have their walls covered with beautiful stucco imitation of marble. This article includes the documentary study on the elaboration of the stucco work in the Conference Room and the four adjacent cabinets, the work of the Italian artist Francisco Poncini. The data presented are based mainly on the documentation kept in the Palace funds: Minutes of the Internal Government Commission, Book of Agreements and Minutes of the Works Commission; Likewise, the files of the Interior Government Series and the Archive Palace Works Series have been of great value; These are unpublished documents and the only source of information on stucco work.