The European project Multilingual Technical Lexicon for Conservation and Restoration was born from the requirement to eliminate the existing terminological confusion in the field of conservation and restoration by creating a scientifically correct lexicon in 5 languages (French, English, Italian , Spanish German). The project, started in September 2001, managed and coordinated by the Giovanni Secco Suardo Association, an Italian private study and research center working in the field of conservation and restoration of cultural assets, has so far seen the participation of 8 entities and institutes from 6 European countries: COURTAULD INSTI TUTE OF ART, Conservation and Technology Department - United Kingdom (from 2001 to 2002); SUPERIOR SCHOOL OF CONSER VATION AND RESTORATION OF CULTURAL ASSETS - Spain, HAMILTON KERR INSTITUTE, University of Cambridge - Gre at Britain (since 2004); HOCHSCHULE FUR BILDENDE KUNSTE DRESDEN - Deutschland; INSTITUT NATIONAL DU PA TRIMOINE - France; ISTITUTO CENTRALE PER IL RESTAURO - Italy; OPIFICIO DE LLE PIETRE DURE - Italy; UNIVERSITE LIBRE DE BRUXELLES, Center de recher che et des études technologiques des arts plastiques - Belgique (from 2001 to 2002), and the financial support of the EUROPEAN COM MISSION - DIRECTORATE GENERAL FOR EDUCATION AND CULTURE within the scope of the Culture 2000 program.