The technique of gilding on various supports through ancient literary sources
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Traditional gilding techniques


The technique of gilding has evolved since ancient cultures suffered
do in the medieval period a high specialization. It is a versatile technique
that can be executed with different adhesives, which give it its
proper name: gilded in tempera, or, in oil, etched or in armholes
and they confer different characteristics to golden objects. Although in the ma
Most of the cases, the texts refer mainly to the supports of
wood, it is a technique capable of being executed on a great variety of
type of supports, as the ancient documentary sources testify to
tigos of this variety.
In these texts there are explanations of specific mordants, or at least
recommended, for specific and less common supports, such as metal,
wall, skin, glass, fabrics, paper, marble, and even bird feathers.
The objective of this article is to expand the knowledge of the gilding technique
and the materials involved in it, to adapt the treatments of con
gold preservation and restoration, which, as noted in this article, was incorporated
It applied to a wide variety of surfaces.

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