Previous studies and analysis of the sculptural group of the north arm of the transept of the Cathedral of Sigüenza (Guadalajara)
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Santa Librada
D. Fadrique
Polychrome stone
applied brocade
pathological record
intervention trials


This article collects the results of the previous studies and analyzes carried out on the altarpiece of D. Fadrique de Portugal, the altarpiece of Santa Librada, the Portada del Jaspe and the entrance portal to the Sacristy of Santa Librada, located in the north arm of the transept of the Sigüenza cathedral in Guadalajara.
The works, promoted by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (MECD), through the Institute of Cultural Heritage of Spain (IPCE), were developed from February to June 2014, being the company awarded Uffizzi, Conservation and Restoration of Assets Cultural, SL
The sculptural ensemble is made of polychrome limestone and constitutes the greatest exponent of the First Renaissance in Guadalajara. It was executed from 1506 to 1530, and among its architects are Juan de Talavera, Sebastián de Almonacid, Esteban de Obray, Francisco Guillén and the painter Juan de Soreda. Although it presents numerous subsequent interventions, the most invasive occurred after the Civil War.
In the first place, a historical-artistic and technological study has been developed, as well as the description of material history. This has made it possible to know in depth the various interventions and document the presence of brocades applied to the stone material. In a second moment, the pathological record was compiled and an emergency intervention was carried out, which consisted of carrying out various in situ tests (preventive fixation, cleaning, consolidation, reintegration and final protection), establishing the most appropriate methodology for its conservation and restoration. The entire process was supported by a battery of analytical characterization studies that provided information on the composition of the materials and the degradation processes.
The results obtained have served as the basis for the drafting of the definitive intervention project, preserving the high artistic and historical value of this monument.

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