No. 6 (1993): Pátina 6
Pátina 6


Raul Amitrano
Report on the restoration treatment of a lead plaque with Iberian inscriptions
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Maria Dolores Sánchez Velázquez
The aboriginal ceramics of Fuerteventura
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Mercedes Blanco Ruano
Restoration of a piece of black varnish from Hoya de Santa Ana, Albacete
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Rubí Sanz Gamo
On the chronology of the burial of the hill of La Hoya de Santa Ana (Chinchilla, Albacete)
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Santiago Valiente Cánovas
Chronology of the use of the lathe and iron metallurgy in the sub-plateau (Tagus valley), during the 2nd. Iron age
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Alfonso Asensio, Paloma Anguela, Maria Fernandez-Ardavín
Consolidation of an Iberian adobe piece from the "Los Villares" necropolis (Albacete) "
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Elena García Martínez
Raul Amitrano's interventions in the province of Albacete
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Maria Luisa Gonzalez Pena
Conservation Treatments for Copper Alloy Coins
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Lourdes Roldan Gómez
Munigua: urban development and construction techniques
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Joaquín Barrio Martín
Conservation interventions for archaeological rescue in the pre-Roman town of Cuéllar (Segovia)
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Pilar Barranca de Ramos
Archaeological heritage and conservation
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Juan Blanquez Pérez
The Iberian town of La Quéjola
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Soledad Díaz Martínez, Maria Pilar García Gonzalalo, Costanza Rodríguez Segovia
The restoration of an exceptional bronze: El Efebo de Antequera
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Maria de la Encarnación Cabré Herreros, Juan Antonio Morán
Juan Cabré and the restoration
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María Pía Timon Tiemblo, Juan Manual Valadés Sierra
Ethnography as a documentary source in restoration: San Antonio de la Florida
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Guillermo Fernández García
Inert support for painting on canvas. Linares Palace
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Restoration of tiles in the Palacio de Velázquez in Madrid
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Maria del Carmen Carretero Marco
Restoration of the Jesus altarpiece (Ibiza)
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Luis Cristobal Antón
Contraposition of two sculptural works
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Luis Priego, Helena Alcaín, David García
Removal of a casein repaint on a polychrome limestone sculpture
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Belen Martínez Díaz, Enrique Toledo Brasal
Silicone molds for wooden parts from submerged ships
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Eduardo Segovia Guerrero
Documentary value of photography. Photographic archives and historical heritage
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Miguel Ángel Lopez
Just's map. A masterpiece of the typhlological museum
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L.F. Capitan-Valley, E. Manzano, V.J. Medina Florez
Current trends in research on alteration of materials in mural painting. Part I: alterations in the constituent materials of a wall painting due to its own nature
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Jose Antonio Díaz
Informatics, its contribution to the tasks of conservation and restoration of historical heritage
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Carlos Álvaro Chirveches
Museums in restored historic buildings, a specific museological program
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