No. 10 y 11 (2001): Pátina 10 y 11
Pátina 10 y 11


Luis Crespo Arcá
The parchment. Conservation and preparation treatments for exhibitions at the National Historical Archive Restoration Laboratory
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Pilar Borrego Díaz, José A. Buces Aguado , Silvia Carrasco Damián
Conservation process of the gouache "Prayer in the garden" belonging to the General Directorate of Fine Arts and Cultural Assets of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports
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Maria del Valle Cordero, Victoria de Las Heras , Laura Beatriz Suela
Restoration of an 18th century English celestial globe from the Museum of America in Madrid
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Margarita González Pascual
The transfer of wall paintings. The case of San Baudelio de Berlanga
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Elisa Serrano González
To save from oblivion. Rescue of a sculpture painting by Rolando López Dirube
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Rafael Berjano Delgado
Facsimile reproduction of a polychrome wood sculpture
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Bárbara Culubret Worms
Making a replica of a funeral construction
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José Antonio Buces
The twill and the gouache: two pictorial techniques under examination
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Margarita Arroyo, Estela de Paz, Mario Elena Jiménez
Rigid supports applied to pavement mosaics. The mosaics of the Roman villa of Albaladejo (Ciudad Real)
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José Manuel de La Roja de La Roja
A new methodology in the execution of the chromatic reintegration process
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Guillermo Fernández García
Formal elements of drawing applied to reintegration
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Ruth Viñas Lucas
Cardboard as a support for the work of art: specifications and restoration
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