Restoration of wax sculptures: historical-critical review of cleaning systems
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Restoration and cleaning systems for wax sculptures


Since time immemorial, wax has had a place in artistic production, especially as an imitation of the human body. Precisely the high degree of verisimilitude obtained in relation to the dissected specimen contributed to the spread of the custom of making artificial wax models for the teaching of medicine towards the middle of the 17th century. The waxy pastes used to create this type of sculpture are usually composed of very complex molecular mixtures, which is an intrinsic factor of deterioration due to the development of physical-chemical alteration processes that can affect the survival of the Faculty of Fine Arts. Arts. UCM.

This article proposes a historical review of the cleaning systems applied to wax sculptures, through a reflection on the advantages and disadvantages that each substance and its methodology of use entail, taking into account the deontological criteria to face this type of process, so delicate and irreversible, with the ultimate goal of minimizing possible risks.

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