No. 15 (2008): Pátina 15
Pátina 15


Ángel Gea García, Raquel Acaz Mendive , Gema Segoviano Lorenzo
Material reintegration in archaeological ceramics: use of Epoxy resin
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L. López Polín, G. Gómez, M.D. García Antón, A. Solé, J. Guiu, A. Martín, J. Vilalta, P. Fernández, E. Lacasa, A. Bertral, B. Font , E. Carbonell
The restoration of bone remains and lithic industry in the Pleistocene deposits of the Trinchera del Ferrocarril (Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos)
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Cristina Bartolomé , Javier Gámez
Training program in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property in Oran (Algeria)
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Minako Wada
Techniques, elaboration and importance of «neri» in the Japanese papermaking process of Ogawa-machi
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Eva López Zamora , Consuelo Dalmau Moliner
The technique of gilding on various supports through ancient literary sources
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Kepha Borde Martínez
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Pablo Cano Sanz
Juan de Villanueva and the Madrid convent of the Mercedarias Calzadas de San Fernando (1791)
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Santiago Valiente
«Bombos» and different huts in the eastern area of ​​Valdepeñas
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Nieves Arévalo García
The National Museum of the Almagro Theater and other constructions related to it
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Sara Ortega Boldo
Mainz, city of Gutenberg and the printing press
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Juan Carlos Barbero Encinas
The artistic judgment
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Alberto Sepulcro Aguilar
Works or services? Conflicts in restoration contracts
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Emilio Ipiens Martínez
The early use in the Spanish language of the word "document" with the meaning of "test instrument" and "test" in
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Bárbara Culubret Worms, Marta Hernández Azcutia, Encarnación Hidalgo Cámara, Marina Martínez de Marañón Yangüas , Carmen Rallo Gruss
The Collection Protection Plan for Emergencies in State-Owned Museums
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Aurora Antolínez Bruned
An unpublished work by Juan Bautista Porcar: the most relevant painter of the 20th century from Castellón
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Mario Antonio Moreno Nieto
Contribution to the work of Juan Antonio Salvador Carmona. An intaglio print of "Christ the man of Sorrows"
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Ruth Viñas Lucas
Higher Studies in the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Assets and their adaptation to the European Higher Education Area
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Federica Ferla
The European project "Multilingual Technical Glossary of Conservation and Restoration" and the question of lexicon
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